Mairis Briedis ends his boxing career

Dear friends, fans and loved ones,

25 years ago I stepped into the unknown, putting on boxing gloves for the first time, not realizing at the time that it would lead me to a career as a professional athlete. Boxing over time became my passion, my career and most of my life.

Today I want to share a decision that was not easy for me to make. First of all, because the path that I have walked over the years has been filled with so many unforgettable moments and joys of victory, it has made me the person I am today and has allowed me to pursue new goals and achievements all this time, which has served as a drive for me to always strive for more.

This pursuit of more has, in turn, been the other side of the coin, where I have not always been able to fully explain myself, my intentions in several situations, and this has remained something that I will have to work on in the future.

But despite everything, with the deepest gratitude to every person who has supported or motivated me at some point, or simply followed my progress, I would like to say thank you for these 25 years and officially announce the end of my professional boxing career.

Every fight, especially those that took place in Latvia, was special for me. I always felt incredible support from my peers, and this is what inspired me to higher and even higher goals and achievements. As I have always said, “my dope is my people”. This support and energy that I felt from you made my boxing career unforgettable.

Anyway, boxing was not just a career – it was a life filled with passion, emotions and dreams. But it’s time to say goodbye to the ring and open a new chapter in my life.

I remain yours, Mairis Briedis, and I promise that I will continue to share my experience, help new generations of boxers and inspire everyone who pursues their dreams. Let this story be an example of what can be achieved when the heart is on fire, that mistakes can be corrected by learning from them, and that the most important thing is to get up after a fall and move on.

Onward, towards your next goals.

With love and respect,
Mairis Briedis

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